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Architects Declare evidence to Environmental Audit Committee inquiry on the Sustainability of the Built Environment.

Architects Declare submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, and this has now been published on the Committee's website. The inquiry was established to "examine the sustainability of the built environment. It will look at the best routes to net zero for our future building needs from low carbon materials through to policies to minimise the whole life carbon impact of new buildings."

15 September 2021

: Consultations

Planning for the Future Consultation

Architects Declare have responded to the Planning for the Future Consultation.

View our response here

England Tree Strategy consultation

Construction Declares has partnered with the Architects Climate Action Network in a response to DEFRA's England Tree Strategy. We see this as a chance to influence this strategy for the next 30 years, and help the government to maximise benefits of tree planting. To support this, and for more information about why this consultation is so important for architects to respond to, please click here . You have until 11 September.

8 September 2020

: Consultations

First Year Survey

As the first year anniversary of Architects Declare approaches, we are conducting a survey of all our signatories, asking how practices have responded to the climate emergency. We would also like to know what practices have planned for the future, and what they expect from Architects Declare. To take part in this survey, please click here.

4 May 2020

: Consultations